Trash to Treasure

At Aidez Nous a Aider, we focus on projects that support migrants in Morocco, primarily through skill development in areas like video editing, motion graphics, and other digital skills. Many of the individuals we assist are undocumented and face significant challenges in securing employment in Morocco. This situation limits their options for survival and makes it difficult for them to find time to improve their skills. One of our key initiatives involves organizing beach and park clean-ups to help maintain Morocco’s natural beauty. This project not only contributes to the environment but also provides migrants with an income, allowing them the means and time to focus on skill development.

Supporting projects like our beach and park clean ups not only helps preserve Morocco’s natural beauty, it can help migrants buy the time they need to advance their skills.

Climate change and migration are intricately linked, with environmental shifts influencing human movement in many ways. As the Earth’s climate continues to change, environmental factors such as rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and shifts in agricultural productivity increasingly impact communities worldwide. These changes can render certain areas uninhabitable, disrupt livelihoods, and exacerbate resource scarcity, prompting individuals and communities to seek refuge elsewhere. Forced displacement due to climate-related disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, and droughts, has become more prevalent, leading to a rise in climate refugees. Additionally, economic impacts stemming from climate change, such as loss of income and employment opportunities, contribute to migration patterns. Urbanization further complicates the issue, as rural inhabitants migrate to urban centers in search of better opportunities, straining infrastructure and resources. Addressing climate change is essential not only for mitigating its adverse effects on vulnerable populations but also for managing migration and ensuring the resilience of communities in the face of environmental challenges.

Through these projects, we select specific areas in need of cleanup and mobilize migrant communities to participate in collecting garbage. As we gather waste from these locations, we carefully sort the materials, identifying items suitable for repurposing and recycling. This sorting process allows us to gather materials for specific projects, where we teach participants how to transform discarded items into new products. By demonstrating how seemingly worthless trash can be repurposed into valuable treasures, we aim to raise awareness about environmental stewardship and promote sustainable practices within migrant communities and beyond.

To support some of our team members financially, we are organizing additional beach cleanups, allowing them to earn a small income while they work on developing their skills. This initiative benefits both the migrants and Morocco by fostering a cleaner environment. Addressing migration and climate change together is crucial, as environmental degradation often exacerbates migration issues. By participating in these cleanups, we contribute to both the wellbeing of our team and the preservation of Morocco’s natural beauty.