Online Skill Development for Migrants

Welcome to Aidez nous a Aider, where our focus lies on facilitating online skill development for migrants in Morocco. Our overarching goal is to empower individuals through accessible and tailored courses offered via These courses encompass a range of essential skills such as social media management, graphic design proficiency, e-commerce strategies, and mastery of Adobe Premiere Suite.

Moreover, we understand that access to technology and software can often be a barrier for migrants. To address this challenge, we not only provide comprehensive courses but also supply laptops and grant access to essential software. This comprehensive approach ensures that participants have all the necessary resources at their disposal to effectively engage in the learning process.

Our commitment extends beyond just providing courses and equipment. We strive to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment where migrants feel empowered to explore their potential and enhance their skill sets. Through this transformative journey, we aim to not only enhance employability but also to elevate income levels and foster long-term financial stability for migrants in Morocco.

The program unfolds in a structured manner:

  1. Course Learning: Members engage in Udemy courses tailored to their chosen skill set, whether it be social media proficiency, graphic design, e-commerce, motion graphics or video editing. We provide targeted resources to facilitate their learning journey.
  2. Portfolio Development: Upon course completion, we actively assist members in crafting robust portfolios. This crucial step showcases their acquired skills, enhancing their appeal to potential employers or clients.
  3. Job Placement or Freelance Opportunities: Armed with a strong portfolio and a comprehensive understanding of their chosen field, we actively support members in job applications or pursuing freelance opportunities, facilitating their seamless integration into the professional world.

Program Highlights

  • Social Media Skills: Empowering migrants with proficiency in platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for networking, job hunting, and business promotion.
  • Graphic Design: Providing basic graphic design skills to create marketing materials or build an online portfolio using accessible tools like Canva or Adobe Creative Cloud.
  • E-commerce: Equipping migrants with skills to navigate the online business landscape through platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce.
  • Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects: Offering training in the popular video editing software to enhance their capabilities in video content creation.

By gaining these digital skills, migrants in Morocco can enhance their employability, elevate their income, and move toward greater financial stability. Recognizing potential challenges such as limited access to technology and the internet, we prioritize ensuring that these online resources are both accessible and affordable for all participants.


Video Contest

Participants created a short video using their phones showcasing their personal journey, challenges, aspirations, and contributions as migrants in Moroccan society. The participants edited their videos using their smartphones. In recognition of the fact that many migrants may not have access to professional video editing equipment, we have designed the contest to be inclusive and accessible. Editing on smartphones allowed participants to utilize readily available tools and showcase their creativity without any barriers.

Displayed below is the winning video from our contest, offering a glimpse into the challenges faced by migrants in Morocco. As a reward, our organization equipped the winner with a laptop, facilitating their journey of online skill development. The winner is now a member of our organization, where they are currently studying video editing. This initiative not only emphasizes the significance of digital skills for migrants but also aligns with our commitment to providing essential tools and resources.