The Silence of the Media – The Colton Chronicles of the Congo DRC


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The Silence of the Media is a powerful and poignant comic book created by a Congolese artist. This  narrative delves into the heart-wrenching story of the ongoing genocide in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a tragedy often overlooked by the global media. The comic book sheds light on the brutal exploitation of children forced to work in hazardous conditions to mine coltan, a vital mineral used in the production of our everyday electronics, from smartphones to computers.

 “The Silence of the Media” reveals the dark reality behind the shiny screens of modern technology. It exposes the silent complicity of international corporations and the indifference of the global community.

“Silence of the Media” is not just a tale of suffering but also one of resilience and hope. It aims to amplify the voices of those silenced by conflict and exploitation, urging readers to confront the uncomfortable truths hidden behind their gadgets. This comic book is a call to action, advocating for ethical practices and greater awareness of the human cost embedded in our digital lives.





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