

INSAF (Institut National de Solidarité avec les Femmes en Détresse) is a Moroccan organization that focuses on supporting women and children in vulnerable situations. Their actions include:

  1. Combating Violence Against Women: Providing shelter, legal assistance, and psychological support to women who are victims of violence.
  2. Preventing Child Labor: Working to prevent child labor by offering support to families and ensuring children have access to education.
  3. Promoting Women’s Economic Empowerment: Offering training and support to help women gain skills and find employment or start their own businesses.
  4. Advocacy and Awareness: Raising awareness about women’s rights and advocating for policy changes to protect and empower women.

Through these initiatives, INSAF aims to create a safer and more equitable environment for women and children in Morocco.

5, Rue Hay Adil, Roches Noires, 20350 Casablanca – Maroc

  •   +212 522 907 430
  •   +212 522 906 843  


The organization RAEMH (Réseau Africain pour l’Education des Migrants et des Réfugiés) focuses on education and advocacy for migrants and refugees across Africa, aiming to improve their access to education and promote their rights and well-being.